Tag Archive: Steve Jobs death

3 Apples Changed the World !

3 different Apples changed the world.

People say that long time back, the First Fruit on the earth was eaten by Eve and that was an “AppleThen the second was the Apple that hit on Newton’s Head, which lead to the invention of Gravity by him and hence the Law of Gravity was made.

Last but not the least was, “The Apple created by Steve Jobs” 🙂

He was the reason behind an iPhone in most of the People’s hand. Music’s value came into existence just when the iPod was made. The revolution of Tabs was started by him with the invention of the iPad. He lead the world with his iTechnology. Millions and Millions of people’s are now Mac Users. He bought the world’s slimmest notebook, ‘The Mac-book‘. He always tried to make people’s life better with his technological mind and the way he served them was a Bizarre !

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20 Most Memorable Quotes By Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs, the man behind the success of Cupertino based company Apple is no more between us. He died at the age of 56 on Wednesday October 5, 2011 after battling pancreatic cancer since 2004.

Now many people close to him will share their thoughts and memories about him, while many others will pay him tribute by talking, writing, remembering him in good words. But we at Techno Cruze here are going to commemorate him by sharing some of his own memorable quotes – The golden words of Steve Jobs that no one can ever forget. Read them after the break.

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Google's Tribute to Steve Jobs.

 Click on the image to enlarge the preview.

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Apple Inc. was founded by Steve Jobs.

He was the reason behind an iPhone in most of the People’s hand. Music’s value came into existence just when the iPod was made. The revolution of Tabs was started by him with the invention of the iPad. He lead the world with his iTechnology. Millions and Millions of people’s are now Mac Users. He bought the world’s slimmest notebook, ‘The Mac-book‘. He always tried to make people’s life better with his technological mind and the way he served them was a Bizarre !

The Founder of "Apple"

Steve Jobs

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