Tag Archive: Mobile Platforms

Angry Birds (All Seasons) for Symbian

“Lemme tell ya, these ain’t no ordinary finches we’re talkin’ about. These here are the Angry Birds, the ones that’s gonna kick you in the ‘nads. And they’re the ones on your side. They must be from Galapadapados, or sumptin’.”

– Col. Angus, Bird Expert.

Angry Birds features hours of gameplay, challenging physics-based castle demolition, and lots of replay value. Each of the 120 levels requires logic, skill, and brute force to crush the enemy.

Protect wildlife or play Angry Birds ! 😀

Cinematic Trailer

In-Game Trailer

Well, after making a huge craze in PC, Xbox and PSP Consoles, Angry Birds are now available for for several platforms like Symbian/Android/Palm OS/iPhone. Each game consisting of 45 different exciting levels. And here, I represent you 5 Season Games of Angry Birds for Symbian Phones 🙂 For other platforms, download it from your respective App Store 😉

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On October 4th 2011, Apple held an event, “Lets Talk iPhone” to reveal their new iProduct. Millions of fans were expecting the release of iPhone5 but Apple has just showed the iPhone’s new version that is iPhone 4S in the event. Its speedy, more powerful and enhanced version of iPhone. Check out the features of iPhone 4S after the jump.

The Apple iPhone-4S

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Apple’s “Lets talk iPhone” Event !

Nothing could be better than to be my first post about technology rather than the launch of Apple’s event, “Lets Talk iPhone“.

Apple today in it’s Let’s Talk iPhone event that is just few hours away is going to unveil some great surprises for it’s customers and fans. The event is scheduled to begin at 10:oo AM October 4th, 2011 at Apple Town Hall Auditorium on Cupertino campus, it is expected by many Apple consumers and fans that the company in it’s today’s event is going to release the most anticipated iPhone 5. Well, is it true or not? Find out after the break.

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