Category: Miscellaneous

Qt Powered New Foursquare App for Symbian !

Few days back Foursquare released a brand new version of 0.1.857 of their Foursquare Symbian Client based on Qt, features fresh new elegant UI, Notifications, Photo Uploads, Comments on check ins and more. It is now available on Nokia Store. Check out the App demo video on Nokia N8 after the jump.

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Gone are those days when people used to show off their Rs. 35k Tabs to others, to make themselves feel high. And gone are those moments when Reliance launched their CDMA Tab at Rs. 12k thinking that it will takeover the other Higher Priced Tabs ! 😉

India launches world’s cheapest tablet PC ‘Aakash’ | The tablet PC, named Aakash, will cost the government just 46.52 USD i.e. Rs. 2,276. It will be given to students after subsidising the price by up to 50 per cent, Human Resources Development Minister Shri Kapil Sibal said while unveiling the device in New Delhi.

Aakash Tablet PC - World's Cheapest TAB !

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TechnoCruze’s First Post !

Founder of 'Techno Cruze'

Hello Friends,

Welcome to a newly created technology blog, “The Techno Cruze” !

This blog is all about news related to Gadgets, Latest technology, Softwares & Apps, Games, Mobile technology, Multimedia, OS Developing, Symbian, Android and Mobile/PC tools and tips, hacking and lots more.

As I write my first post here, I would like to thank my mates who helped me in making this site better and improved my blogging. 🙂

I’m Abhisek Das. A 19 year old Computer Sc. Engineering student from Bhubaneswar, India. I’m an Internet Insect and a Tech Addict 😉

As it is my first post on my blog, I would like to have your comments on this blog and your feedback about my site and if you have any queries or need any help, just leave a comment 🙂 And being my first post, I took help from my fellow Blogger, Rahul who help me in enriching my blogging and somewhat I took the reference of his first welcome post from his Blog! 😛

So friends, keep visiting and keep supporting my blog because your encouragement will help me to come up with some more new things.


Take Care