Android Ice Cream Sandwich

So you all are excited to know how the new Android 4.0 a.k.a Ice Cream Sandwich would look like. And here are some screenshots of ICS running on the Samsung Galaxy Nexus or Nexus Prime.

Well, Android 4.0 or Android 4 Ice Cream Sandwich is a latest version of Android OS, which is currently under development phase. But there are lots of smartphones and tablet makers are waiting for Android 4 Ice Cream Sandwich release.

Android 4 Ice Cream Sandwich is latest and newest version of Google Android which is expected to release at the end of September or November this year πŸ˜‰

Yayy πŸ˜€

Here are a number of features we DO recognize regarding Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich:Β 

USB Hosting

It is realized that Android 4.0 will come up with around USB Hosting which will permit one to exploit virtually every device with the tablet series from an Xbox regulator for games to a keyboard/mouse for surfing and additional stuffs. You will also have the capability to incorporate a USB tool to work particularly with an app. So a spirit monitor used with a fitness app, such as.

Tracks Your Face

Android 4.0 will have the capability to road your look so in its place of you attempting to move around to get into the camera, the camera will auto-focus on to you in its place. It will also be practical in video conferencing because the camera will move to you when you begin talking and then move to whoever speaks so you don’t waste time attempting to move your device consistently the you would like to spotlight it on anyone in picky.

Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich Smartphone’s

Specs for what might be the Google Nexus 3 have shelled good manners of BGR, enlightening a Smartphone with a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor or dual-core 1.2GHz or 1.5GHz OMAP 4460, a 5MP rear-mounted camera and 720p HD display along with 1080p HD video resolution.

The Google Nexus - Android 4.0

This is how the Home screen would look

Some more screenshots :

Home Screen

Home Screen Lock

Homescreen Widgets

Rearranging the widgets !

Tools Settings

Setting Menu

Techno Cruze

Software Version

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